Brazil nuts: A rich treasure for promoting thyroid health

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Brazil nuts: A rich treasure for promoting thyroid health

الجوز البرازيلي

Brazil nuts are one of the nuts that hide a huge nutritional treasure, especially in terms of promoting thyroid health.
Many cases of hypothyroidism, including Hashimoto’s disease, are often attributed to hypothyroidism, a very common autoimmune disease that affects approximately 14 million people annually in the United States alone.

Selenium: the key to the magical effect

The secret of the effective effect of Brazil nuts lies in their richness in selenium, a rare mineral that the body needs in small quantities, but it provides great and effective benefits.
Selenium plays a vital role in regulating over 25 antioxidant-related genes and offers amazing anti-inflammatory benefits.
Selenium can also be found in seafood and organ meats, but its highest concentration is found in Brazil nuts, of which two can provide about 200 micrograms of selenium per day, which meets the body’s daily needs for this mineral.

Studies prove the effectiveness of selenium

17 randomized controlled studies have proven the effectiveness of selenium in reducing levels of antibodies that attack the thyroid gland, and it also contributes to slowing this attack, which greatly helps in treating and managing thyroid problems such as hypothyroidism.
A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland called thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is a critical indicator of thyroid health. When the level of this hormone increases, it does not interact adequately with the thyroid gland, which indicates the possibility of hypothyroidism.
Fortunately, selenium plays a pivotal role in alleviating this problem and improving overall thyroid health.

Additional benefits of selenium

  • Combating hydrogen peroxide: Taking selenium helps combat the effects of hydrogen peroxide, a harmful compound produced in large quantities in the body when suffering from Hashimoto’s disease, which reduces the chances of contracting these diseases.
    Immune cell regulation: Selenium also contributes to the regulation of T-helper immune cells, which play a major role in the overall immune response, and nourishing the regulatory T cells that protect the body from autoimmune diseases.
    Tips for getting enough selenium
    Since the brain, immune system and reproductive system are highly dependent on selenium, it becomes necessary to ensure its availability in sufficient quantities for the thyroid gland to function efficiently.
    Not having enough selenium can lead to Hashimoto’s disease, causing symptoms such as fatigue, colds, weight gain, and hair loss.
    To avoid these problems, it is recommended to eat two to four Brazil nuts daily, but do not exceed that because excessive selenium intake may be as harmful as its deficiency.
    Additional tips to support thyroid health
    Exposure to sunlight: It is also recommended to be regularly exposed to sunlight or take appropriate doses of vitamin D3, due to its effective role in regulating the immune system.
    Consult a doctor: It is important to consult a doctor to determine the appropriate dose of selenium or vitamin D3, especially for people who suffer from certain health conditions or take other medications.

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